Weekly Bulletin

March 9, 2025
Series: Pressing On
Title:  In the Home
Text: Colossians 3:18-4:1
New Life has partnered with Great Lakes Christian College (GLCC) to use their online EQUIP program to give church members a low-cost opportunity to get training on Bible knowledge and ministry skills. If interested talk to Steve Kistler for more details.

To stay up to date with Kara and Ryan and baby Ezra, go to www.caringbridge.org and search for the page for Ezra Sharp. This is where all the latest updates and prayer requests are located. Kara and Ryan greatly appreciate your prayers.

There are devotionals for Easter that began last Wednesday on the table in the foyer. If you did not get one last week, please feel free to pick one up.   

The Family of Betty Lou Woodward invite you to an Open House to celebrate her 90th birthday on March 22nd from 2:00-4:00pm here at New Life.

 We are hosting the  grandparents summit on March 29th. There is  more  information and how to register located on the New Life table or  the church website. Feel free to take a flyer or postcard and invite any grandparent! See Becky Sharp or Barbara Kindt with any questions.

Sonshine Singers practice TODAY at 4:00pm.
This is for ages kindergarten through high school.
For more information, please see Becky Sharp.

New Life Kids and Youth Group tonight at 6pm.
See Jason Sharp for more information.

Attn Online Givers: We wanted you to know that we will be changing our online giving provider!
We are moving from ShareFaith to Subsplash for online giving. If you have questions, see Diana Shaffer.

Griefshare this Wednesday from 6:30 -8:00pm in room 114 for those who are interested.

"Now & Not Yet" bible study will meet again Wednesday, March 19th at 7:00pm in room 101-102.

Roundlake Summer Camp Registration begins March 5th: The discount code for 2025 camp is 25newlifebellville33pcamp4u.  
This will give you a 33% discount on camp registration cost.

Please be sure to pick up our "inclement weather plan" flyer on the New Life table.

For all New Life Youth (babies-12th grade), please fill out the information paper located at the check in table ASAP.

Pickleball this week:
Thursday- 9:00am for Women
Thursday- 6:45pm Co-ed
Friday - 9:00am & 6:45pm Co-ed

Men's Basketball this week:
Monday- 9:00am
Wednesday- 9:00am
Friday- 7:00pm

Teen Faith Unleashed- New Teen Podcast: A group of teen friends that discuss information about God that they have learned and
believe others can benefit from: Teen Faith Unleashed is on Youtube, Amazon Music, Spotify, and iHeart Radio.

Weekly Numbers
March 2,  2025
General Fund     $11,050.25  
Budget YTD       $74,700.00
Offering YTD    $79,676.00        
Attendance          201                                                                                  

Weekly Bible Reading
Sunday  2 Timothy 1-4
Monday  Titus 1-3
Tuesday  Philemon
Wednesday  Hebrews 1-3
Thursday  Hebrews 4-6
Friday      Hebrews 7-9
Saturday  Hebrews 10-13

Church Staff
Steve Kistler Senior Minister
Jason Sharp Family Minister
Sherri Benick Office Administrator
Amber Sharp Worship Coordinator

Church Address
195 W. Durbin Ave.
Bellville, Ohio 44813

Supported Missions
 Alpha House Children’s Home
 Christian Children’s Home of Ohio
 Choloma Church in Honduras
 Church of Christ Prison Ministry
 Diamond Willow Ministries
 Joshua Johnson MMS
 Richland Pregnancy Services
 Round Lake Christian Camp
 Sarah Johnson El Salvador    

 Scott Cromer
 Jon Beveridge
 Darryl Jones  

Welcome to our visitors! We are so glad for you to join us to worship Jesus Christ.  Our goal is to worship the Lord fully while being encouraged by God’s Word.  

After today’s message we invite all Christians to participate in the Lord’s Supper. Please hold onto your communion cups and we will partake together when we are finished singing a song.

To get connected text 'Welcome' to 419-792-3839. Click the link to fill out information so we can get to know you more!

As our guest please do not feel obligated to give to today’s offering.  

Nursery is available for babies through three years of age.  Children pre-school through 5th grade are dismissed before the message for classes.

Thanks again for worshipping with us!