Our Commitment

We are following Jesus by loving God, loving people, and making disciples. 

In Luke 9:23 Jesus says, “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Here at New Life our desire is to be committed followers of Jesus Christ by passionately pursuing Him, totally surrendering to Him, and making daily sacrifices for Him. 


We desire to love Christ by developing a relationship with Him that changes how we live each and every day. We pursue Christ with all that we are including our heart, mind, and strength. We are investing our time and energy to knowing Christ and making Him known.


We surrender our lives to Christ to be used by Him for His purposes. We choose to live for Christ and make His work our priority. We are seeking ways in which we can serve Christ and the mission He has given us.


We give up our own desires for those of Christ. The cost of following Jesus is giving of ourselves for His Kingdom and His glory. We endure the suffering and hardships of this world knowing that our temporary sacrifice cannot compare to our eternal reward.

Join us every Sunday
as we gather for Education Hour at 8:45 am  
and worship together at 10:00 am.